"I note the obvious differences
between each sort and type,
but we are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.
We are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.
We are more alike, my fiernds,
than we are unalike."
Maya Angelou, from Human Family, published in 1990.
We are several days from our departure for Uganda and southern Africa; this is an exciting and full time. We know there are many important circumstances and events that draw each of our caring and attention. In the months ahead, we sincerely wish you well on your journey, as Karen and I look to fulfilling, safe days ahead, too. We are so glad you will join us, even if just from time to time. So, keep checking for updates on our blog and peace be with you.
Karen's photos from our visit to Bududa in 2004.